Why did my toenail get thick?

Why did my toenail get thick?

Toenails can thicken as a result of sudden or repeated trauma or injury. Mostly, this happens to people involved in sport or exercise, such as soccer players, runners, and dancers, but also to people with ill-fitting shoes. Often, thick nails due to injury are mistaken for fungal infections.

Why do toenails get thick and yellow with age?

As we age, our toenails – and fingernails – slow their growth rate, and the nails thicken because the nail cells, called onychocytes, sort of pile up.

How do you get rid of yellow thick toenails?

Applying a small amount of melted coconut oil can help heal thick yellow toenails. You can purchase over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal nail creams and ointments. Be sure to clip and clean your nails before use to make sure the creams reach deeper layers. Laser therapy can be used to treat a fungal toenail infection.

Is it OK to file down thick toenails?

For nails that are still intact, it’s acceptable to gently file down the nail as long as you don’t file it too thin (this can increase the possibility of infection).

Can you file down a thick toenail?

How do you get rid of thick yellow toenails?

How do you treat thick yellow toenails?

Yellow Toenails Home Remedy. Home remedies for yellow toenails or toenail fungus include. Tea tree oil: apply few drops of tea tree oil on the yellow toenail. Tea tree oil is a fungicide. Apple cider vinegar: take vinegar and water in equal proportion, soak your toes in the prepared solution for 10 minutes regularly twice in a day.

How do you fix yellow toenails?

Put around two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water. Soak the toenails into the solution for about a minute or so and then scrub the pigmented part of the nails gently with a toothbrush. Doing this at least once a week for a month will help you get rid of Yellow Toenails.

How do you get rid of thick toenail?

Epsom salts can also be used as a home remedy for thick toenails. Fill a tub or a bucket with hot water, pour the Epsom salts directly on the affected area(they will also mix into the water) and then soak your feet in the tub or the bucket. Soak for at least 30 minutes, twice or thrice in a day to see results.

What is the treatment for yellow toenails?

Other medications that can help cure yellow toenails include applying vitamin E, zinc, and a topical corticosteroid with Vitamin D-3. One study found that using antibiotics, such as 400 milligrams of clarithromycin, cleared up yellow toenails.

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