What does a Somers D Measure tell you?

What does a Somers D Measure tell you?

Somers’ Delta (Somers’ D) is a measure of agreement between pairs of ordinal variables. More specifically, asymmetric* Somers’ D measures how much the prediction for the dependent variable improves, based on knowing a value of the independent variable.

Is Somers d same as Gini?

Summary. Gini coefficient is a summary statistic that can also be known as Accuracy Ratio or Somers’D. The Corrected Gini Coefficient varies with the default rate, while the Gini Coefficient does not. It is recommended to use the Gini Coefficient, since it is more stable, but be aware of both definitions.

How do you calculate Somers D in R?

Somers’ D is computed as $$ D(C | R) = \frac{P-Q}{n^2 – \sum(n_i.

How do you find concordant pairs?

A pair is concordant if the subject ranked higher on X also ranks higher on Y. The pair is discordant if the subject ranking higher on X ranks lower on Y. The pair is tied if the subjects have the same classification on X and/or Y.

What is the meaning of somers’d in statistics?

Somers’ D. In statistics, Somers’ D, sometimes incorrectly referred to as Somer’s D, is a measure of ordinal association between two possibly dependent random variables X and Y. Somers’ D takes values between − 1 {displaystyle -1} when all pairs of the variables disagree and 1 {displaystyle 1} when all pairs of the variables agree.

How is Somers Delta used in a statistic?

Introduction. Somers’ delta (or Somers’ d, for short), is a nonparametric measure of the strength and direction of association that exists between an ordinal dependent variable and an ordinal independent variable. Whilst it is possible to analyse the association between two ordinal variables using Goodman and Kruskal’s gamma,…

Where can I find somers’d stat in SAS?

In the Association Statistics table that SAS provides as analysis output there is the Somers’ D stat. Could you provide an interpretation of such statistics and a reference about it, please? Thanks you all in advance. Somers’ D is an index that you want to be closer to 1 and farther from − 1 .

What is the value of somers’d in prog?

The value of Somers’ D is 0.676. We can compare this value of Somers’ D to one from a model that uses only prog as a predictor.

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