What is occurs depending on clause in COBOL?
The OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause specifies variable-length tables. data-name-1. Identifies the object of the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause; that is, the data item whose current value represents the current number of occurrences of the subject item.
What is move corresponding in COBOL?
The MOVE corresponding is a group move but the elementary items of sending group item should match with elementary items of receiving item. MOVE CORRESPONDING only affects data-items that are having identical names in both sending and receiving group items.
Can we redefine occurs clause in COBOL?
WE CAN REDEFINE A DATA ITEM HAVE AN OCCURs CLAUSE. but we cannot redefine a data item having occurs clause.
Can we move spaces to numeric field COBOL?
Moving SPACE or SPACES fills the field with all spaces. The data is moved according to the standard COBOL Conversion rules so a move from a binary field into a display numeric field results in data conversion from binary to Display Numeric format, yielding a result that differs from the Easytrieve MOVE.
What is the difference between static and dynamic call in COBOL?
A static call is specified withe a CALL LITERAL, and the program is compiled with COBOL NODYNAM option. A call to the subprogram at the time of exectution (run time) is called Dynamic call. Dynamic call uses less CPU time, memory required can be less. Caller and called programs are link edited as seperate load modules.
What is the difference between 01 and 77 level in Cobol?
The element in 77 cannot be subdivided or cannot have a group of subelements . This is to indicate the variable declared in 77 is an elementary(some thing for special purpose) and should not be subdivided . Level 01 can be elementary item or a part of a group item.
What is level 88 in Cobol?
88 level number in COBOL is one of the most used declarations in mainframes development and it is considered as a special level number which is used to improve the readability of COBOL programs. As it gives a name to a condition, it is also called as ‘Condition Names’.
When to use occurs clause in COBOL table?
An array is a linear data structure and is a collection of individual data items of same type. Data items of a table are internally sorted. Table is declared in Data Division. Occurs clause is used to define a table. Occurs clause indicates the repetition of data name definition. It can be used only with level numbers starting from 02 to 49.
When does the subscript b change in COBOL?
The subscript B has changed in value between the time that the first move took place and the time that the final move to C (B) is executed. For further information about intermediate results, see Intermediate results and arithmetic precision in the Enterprise COBOL Programming Guide.
How to define a one dimensional table in COBOL?
In a one-dimensional table, occurs clause is used only once in declaration. WSTABLE is the group item that contains table. WS-B names the table elements that occur 10 times. Following is the syntax for defining a one-dimensional table − 01 WS-TABLE. 05 WS-A PIC A (10) OCCURS 10 TIMES. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. DATA DIVISION.
How is an index declared in a COBOL program?
JCL to execute the above COBOL program − When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result − Table elements can also be accessed using index. An index is a displacement of element from the start of the table. An index is declared with Occurs clause using INDEXED BY clause.