How are individual differences relevant for second language learning?

How are individual differences relevant for second language learning?

Although the study of gender as a variable in language learning is still at an early stage (Bacon & Finneman, 1992; Oxford, 1993; Ehrman & Oxford, 1995), studies of individual language learner differences related to sex (biological) or gender (socially constructed) have shown that females tend to show greater …

What are the individual differences that can influence learning outcomes in language learning?

General factors of individual differences comprise the following factors: (i) age (ii) aptitude (iii) intelligence (iv) cognitive style (v) motivation (vi) attitude and (vii) personality. 2.1 Age: It is a common belief that children are better learners than adults.

What is individual differences in second language acquisition?

Individual variation in second-language acquisition is the study of why some people learn a second language better than others. Rather, it is simply a convenient way to categorize studies about language aptitude, age and language learning, strategy use, and affective factors that affect language acquisition.

What is intrinsic motivation as it applies to second language learning?

L2 intrinsic motivation involves enjoyment of learning a second language for its own sake without any external pressure. Knowledge can be defined as motivation for learning L2, exploring new ideas and developing knowledge while accomplishment refers to the attempt to master a task or to achieve a goal [14].

What are individual differences in foreign language learning?

This article is broadly concerned with the differences between individual language learners. In terms of particular content areas of Individual Differences (ID) research, it surveys developments in foreign language aptitude, motivation, learner strategies, and learner styles.

What was Dornyei’s ideal L2 Motivational Self System?

Subsequently, Dornyei (2005) proposed ‘L2 Motivational Self System’ as an attempt to understand L2 motivation in which he set out different perspectives to view integrative and instrumental motivation into three components; Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, and L2 Learning Experience.

How does motivation affect learning a new language?

Motivation does not only reside in the individual but also in the interaction happens between individuals and the environment, hence, socio-cultural environment may affect learners’ motivation in learning a new language (Hickey, 1997).

How are motivations and orientations related to L2 learning?

Orientations refer to reasons for learning a second language, and the motivation refers to efforts to learn the language. They conclude that both integrative and instrumental motivation can affect L2 learning, and that integrative and instrumental orientations will not necessarily influence the learning process (ibid, p.70).

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