What is forward action in struts?

What is forward action in struts?

Struts comes with a special action controller class called ForwardAction (org. apache. struts. actions. ForwardAction), to do the “forward-only” task as name described, and allow you to access the specified JSP page directly.

What are action classes in struts?

Action Class in Struts framework defines the business logic. An action class handles the client request and prepares the response. It also decides where the response should be forwarded. Basically an action class receives data from the presentation layer and forwards the data to the corresponding business layer.

What are the roles of action and action support classes in struts?

Struts 2 Action Classes Action classes act as the controller in the MVC pattern. Action classes respond to a user action, execute business logic (or call upon other classes to do that), and then return a result that tells Struts what view to render.

What is dispatch action in struts?

DispatchAction is one of the Struts built-in action that provides a mechanism that facilitates having a set of related functionality in a single action instead of creating separate independent actions for each function.

Which is the Forward Action Controller in struts?

Struts comes with a special action controller class called ForwardAction (org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction), to do the “ forward-only ” task as name described, and allow you to access the specified JSP page directly. Declare a “ /Welcome ” web path, type attribute as ForwardAction class, and forward it to Welcome.jsp page.

When does struts forward the user to the page?

Struts will forward the user to the page/action specified in the input attribute if validation fails on the form specified in the name attribute. Notwithstanding the above, it is also possible in your action execution (whether it is a single unit of action, or multiple units of action), to specify the result, i.e. SUCCESS, FAILURE, or INPUT.

When does struts forward to the input Bean?

Optional if “name” is specified and the input bean does not return validation errors. Struts will forward the user to the page/action specified in the input attribute if validation fails on the form specified in the name attribute.

When to use struts instead of validation in Java?

Valid only when “name” is specified. Required if “name” is specified and the input bean returns validation errors. Optional if “name” is specified and the input bean does not return validation errors. Struts will forward the user to the page/action specified in the input attribute if validation fails on the form specified in the name attribute.

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