How do I contact discovery medical aid for Authorisation?

How do I contact discovery medical aid for Authorisation?

Contact us on 0860 99 88 77 or email [email protected].

What is the discovery WhatsApp number?

0860 756 756
To start talking to us where you are, register for Ask Discovery on WhatsApp now or send us a message on 0860 756 756! Save the number to your contacts so you can get in touch whenever you need to.

What is hospital Authorisation?

Hospital authorisation request/pre-admission documents need to be send or taken to the hospital before admission date. This is to ensure pre-admission documentation is completed and captured on the hospital system to ensure problem-free admission. Member to supply the authorisation number to the hospital.

What is hospital pre Authorisation?

‘ Pre-authorisation is a process where a member applies to the Scheme before being admitted to hospital for approval of a procedure or treatment that requires hospitalisation.

Why was my Discovery Health Hospital authorisation declined?

Heelan or someone in authorisations please phone me uregently regarding my hospital authorisation. It’s been declined despite being approved first??? I have sent several emails and nobody has gotten back to me.

What are the contact details for Discovery Health?

Looking For Discovery Health Contact Details? 1 0860 99 88 77, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 2 083 123 88 77 More

How is the Discovery Health Medical Scheme regulated?

The Discovery Health Medical Scheme is an independent non-profit entity governed by the Medical Schemes Act, and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes. It is administered by a separate company, Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, an authorised financial services provider.

Where is discovery medical aid in South Africa?

PO Box 22332 Port Elizabeth 6000. Discovery Health is by far the biggest medical aid scheme in South Africa and tends to dominate the industry. Their Global Credit Rating is the highest available (AA) and total membership is in excess of 2 million lives. They are an extremely innovative company and introduced a number of new concepts to

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