What is a meta description for a website?
A meta description (sometimes called a meta description attribute or tag) is an HTML element that describes and summarizes the contents of your page for the benefit of users and search engines. Why meta descriptions are important to you and to your SEO rankings.
How do I add meta description to WordPress?
First, go to Search Appearance » Global Settings in your WordPress admin. Then, scroll down to the Home Page section. On this screen, you can easily enter a meta description and keywords, just like you would for a post or page. All in One SEO will use your tagline as your meta description by default.
How do I find meta description?
If you want to find out whether a given page is using meta tags, just right-click anywhere on the page and select “View Page Source.” A new tab will open in Chrome (in Firefox, it’ll be a pop-up window). The part at the top, or “head” of the page, is where the meta tags would be.
How to add a meta description tag to a web page?
For a static (regular) web page you would open the web page file, add the meta description tag, save the file, close it then upload to your web server. With a content management system, blogging software and ecommerce site software you will have to consult the owner’s manual.
Where does the meta text go on a website?
If you use a Content Management System (CMS) to edit your website it will most probably provide a field to enter each pages description. If not, then you will have to edit the html for each page. The description text is placed in a tag that should be in the head section.
What is the purpose of a meta description?
In short, a meta description is the short section of text that appears below a link in the search results page. The purpose of a meta description is to describe what the page’s content is about, so people looking through a search results page know what to expect.
How to add meta keywords and meta descriptions in WordPress?
Headover to SEO » Titles & Metas page and then click on the ‘Homepage’ tab. Here you can add a custom title, description, and meta keywords for your site’s homepage. Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings. You can also add keywords and description to your category and tag archive pages.