What do the Thor Guard numbers mean?

What do the Thor Guard numbers mean?

A number from 1-9. 1 means a 10% chance of lightning and 9 which means 90% chance of lightning within the Sensor Range (normally 12-15 miles). An LHL greater than 4 indicates lightning is occurring or has the potential of occurring in your area. DI: Dynamic Index.

How much does a Thor Guard system cost?

The system, manufactured by Thor Guard Inc., a Florida company, is promoted as a lightning “predictor” and has been highly touted by several local park administrators. A Thor Guard system can cost from $5,500 for one school to more than $150,000 for a large city, said company President Bob Dugan.

How does a Thor Guard work?

Thor Guard is designed to detect and most importantly PREDICT lightning by measuring the static electricity in the atmosphere and monitoring how much energy is building and changing BEFORE lightning occurs. All other lightning systems or methods can only detect lightning and warn you AFTER lightning has struck nearby.

What does Lhl mean weather?

LHL (Lightning Hazard Level) On a scale from 1-9, 1 means a 10 percent chance of lightning and 9 means a 90 percent chance of lightning within the sensor range (10-12 miles)

How do we detect lightning?

Lightning Detection Networks These two systems work by detecting radio waves (sferics) emitted by fast electric currents (strokes) in lightning channels. A “stroke” can be a fast current within the cloud, or a “return stroke” in a channel to ground.

What does lightning activity 3 mean?

Lightning Activity Level (LAL) Lightning is very infrequent, 1 to 5 cloud to ground strikes in a five minute period. LAL 3. Widely scattered thunderstorms. Light to moderate rain will reach the ground.

What is a lightning warning?

A lightning prediction system is a type of lightning detection equipment that determines when atmospheric conditions likely to produce lightning strikes and sounds an alarm, warning those nearby that lightning is imminent and giving them the chance to find safety before the storm arrives in the area.

Do radio waves attract lightning?

Lightning, or atmospheric electrical discharge, happens with the buildup of negative electrical charge on the bottom of clouds and the subsequent rapid discharge of electricity to the earth. Lightning does not follow radio waves, and therefore lightning will not be attracted to cellphones.

When did Thor guard start making lightning warning systems?

IS REACTIVE! IS UNIQUE! THOR GUARD began manufacturing Lightning Prediction Systems in 1973.

What does Red Alert mean on a Thor guard?

Red Alert– 3.0+…Safety is compromised. LHL –Lightning Hazard Level Percentage chance of lightning / amount of energy within your outer range (default is 12 miles) DI –Dynamic Index Percentage chance of lightning / amount of energy change within your inner range (default is 2 miles) –Activity Detector

Where can I Find my Thor Guard data?

Whether you want your THOR GUARD data displayed to a mobile device, website, map, or simply to a desktop/laptop for easy management of email/text notification, ThorPCX can provide a solution. Need help with your Sensors, Horns, Lightning Prediction Units (Models L75, L150, etc.), Strobes, Antennas, Cables, Maintenance, etc.?

Which is the Control Center for thormobile tg360?

– THORSERVER, THORMOBILE and THORTV for the TG360 This new software package is the control center for the TG360 receiving the lightning PREDICTION and detection from the TG360 and then routing that information to your phone and computer via ThorMobile & ThorTV!

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