Which is the best Mass Effect 3 ending?
‘Mass Effect 3’: The Most Important Key to a Good Ending The one critical thing to getting the best ending in ME3 is the War Assets mechanic. If you get enough war assets before your final battle against the Reapers, Commander Shepard lives, and the trilogy ends on a happier note.
Which ME3 ending should I choose?
The final choice in Mass Effect 3 consists of 3 choices that play a major role in the ending cut scene: “Destruction” (destroy the Reapers, the red side on the right), Control” (control the Reapers, the blue side on the left), or “Synthesis” (synthesize organics and synthetics together, the green middle option).
What is the true Mass Effect 3 ending?
The ending to ME3 sees Shepard facing off against the Catalyst, the ancient AI who controls the Reapers. The Catalyst explains that the Reapers function as an equalizing factor to prevent organics from being destroyed by their creations.
What is the canon ending for ME3?
At the end of Mass Effect 3, Shepard is given the option to choose between three endings—Control, Synthesis, and Destroy. Control involves Shepard transcending to become an AI and taking over the Reapers. Synthesis sees all organic and synthetic life merge.
What are the possible endings to Mass Effect 3?
The possible endings to Mass Effect 3 are: Destroy (Red): Shepard can destroy the Reapers, but this will also destroy all synthetic life in the galaxy, including the geth, EDI, and even Shepard’s cybernetics. The Mass Relays are destroyed, making intergalactic travel difficult for a time.
How many points do you need for Mass Effect 3?
2800 points is a minimum required to unlock ending #3. The Earth will be saved and Shepard will die no matter how you’ll decide. The Earth will be saved no matter how you’ll decide. Shepard can survive only if you choose ending #2 and only if Anderson wasn’t executed by the Illusive Man. The Earth will be saved no matter how you’ll decide.
Can a Shepard survive in Mass Effect 2?
Shepard can survive only if you choose ending #2 and only if Anderson wasn’t executed by the Illusive Man. The Earth will be saved no matter how you’ll decide.
Do you need EMS to play Mass Effect 3?
The chart below only describes the EMS requirements that you need for the Extended Cut of the original release of Mass Effect 3. It DOES NOT apply to the Legendary Edition release of the game. Below is a chart that describes the ending cutscene that will you will see based on the choices you make in the game.