What is the pass mark to go to Ardenne High School?
The school continues to do well in the 2020 external examinations with 94. 48% of the entries at the CXC CSEC level gaining a pass and 96.8% at the CXC CAPE level gaining a pass.
What is High School sixth form?
Sixth Form means the last two years (Year 12 and Year 13) of secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Students move to sixth form at the age of 16 and remain until the end of the school at the age of 18. Whilst studying on sixth form children prepare for A-level or International Baccalaureate exams.
How do you get into sixth form?
A large number of sixth form colleges look for a minimum of six GCSE examination results, the grades of which can vary from college to college and also depending on the subjects your child wishes to take: most however look for a minimum of five GCSE exam results varying in grade from A* to C.
What is sixth form in Jamaica?
Sixth form is an optional, two years long, advanced post secondary program, at the end of which students write the CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams). These are the equivalent of the GCE A-Level examinations which were the standard up until 2003.
Where can I apply for Arden sixth form?
Applications to Arden Sixth Form are made via the link below. Before completing the online application form, please read the information and guidance notes available: More details about our admission and oversubscription criteria can be found towards the end of the overall Arden Admission Arrangements 2020-2021 document.
What makes Ardenne High School a good school?
Ardenne High School is committed to providing quality education in a Christian environment and to inculcate the principles of Christian tolerance and self-discipline as the foundation for self worth.
Why do you want to go to Arden?
We are particularly proud of the fact that at Arden you are assured that a fully structured pastoral support network is in place to guide your decision-making, support your progress and to help you plan for the next steps in fulfilling your aspirations. The choices you make at this stage can have a profound effect on your future.