What is HA in OpenStack?
Instance HA allows Red Hat OpenStack Platform to automatically re-spawn instances on a different Compute node when their host Compute node breaks. Instance HA automates the evacuation of an instance whenever its host Compute node fails.
What is HA policy?
HA policy is assigned to and required by each aggregate on the system. The two options, CFO (controller failover), and SFO (storage failover), determine the aggregate control sequence Data ONTAP uses during storage failover and giveback operations.
What is HA connection?
An HA pair is two storage systems (nodes) whose controllers are connected to each other directly. Each node in an HA pair requires a network connection, an HA interconnect between the controllers, and connections both to its own disk shelves as well as its partner node’s shelves.
What are the two types of HA?
Types of High-Availability
- DNS changes / multi-target zone files.
- Load-balancing.
- Connection redirection.
- IP failover / targeting via dynamic routing (commonly BGP)
What do you need to know about OpenStack high availability?
Prior to deploying your OpenStack cloud you will need to consider the critical aspect of high availability (HA) as this will dictate the cloud’s topology. This guide discusses the basics of high availability, how Charmed OpenStack delivers HA, and any ramifications for the operator once the cloud is deployed.
What’s the IP address for HAProxy in OpenStack?
The IP Address which you plan to use for VIP must be free. In this example, controller1 has an IP address of and controller2 has an IP address of The VIP that we’ve chosen to use is
How does ha affect the topology of the OpenStack cloud?
This document assumes that the OpenStack cloud is backed by MAAS. Deploying applications under HA will involve multiple application units being distributed amongst the available cloud nodes, thereby dramatically influencing the cloud topology. The output of the juju status command is a natural way for Juju operators to view their cloud’s topology.
How to deploy Keystone HA cluster in OpenStack?
These commands will deploy a three-node Keystone HA cluster, with a VIP of Each will reside in a container on existing machines 0, 1, and 2: juju deploy -n 3 –to lxd:0,lxd:1,lxd:2 –config vip= keystone juju deploy –config cluster_count=3 hacluster keystone-hacluster juju add-relation keystone-hacluster:ha keystone:ha