How do you develop a learning program?

How do you develop a learning program?

The following steps will assist you to develop a learning plan with a learner:

  1. Assessment of learning needs. This may include analysis of:
  2. Identification of learning goals.
  3. Identify learning resources, supports and strategies.
  4. Specify what constitutes evidence of learning.
  5. Specify target dates.

What is the purpose of learning program?

Learning programs document a cohesive and integrated learning process for the learner. They include the learning outcomes or the learning objectives (derived from the competency standards or other criteria) and outline the content, sequence and structure of learning and the delivery and assessment method/s to be used.

What is short learning Programmes?

Short learning programmes are the tertiary education sector’s answer to this problem. These courses are usually aimed at (working) adults and are designed to upgrade specific knowledge or skills in a short amount of time.

What are four requirements of a learning program?

How is the learning program structured?

  • The competencies or other benchmarks to be achieved.
  • The specific learning outcomes for each session.
  • The content and learning activities for each session.
  • The delivery methods for each session.
  • Workplace tasks or applications.
  • Practice opportunities.
  • Assessment points and pathways.

What is the purpose of the Learning Programmes Department?

The primary purpose of the Learning Programmes Department is to facilitate the development of learning programmes that address specific sectoral needs as identified in the Sector Skills Plan.

Which is an example of a completed learning program?

EXAMPLE – COMPLETED LEARNING PROGRAM 1 NOTE: Shows a program based on a Unit in a Training Package Please read You can use any layout or format of program design that best suits your needs. The important aspect of this example are the highlighted boxes which represent the information that we seek from your learning programs.

How to review and review a learning program?

Learning program review Review the learning (training program) with all key stakeholders to ensure that training specifications appropriate to the client have been met and that the learning has been conducted following the needs, strategies and outcomes identified in the learning program.

When to clarify the purpose of the learning program?

A very important thing that we need to work out sooner rather than later is if the program is intended for a group of learners, or just an individual. This is usually fairly obvious once we start talking to the person requesting the training, but sometimes it can be less obvious, especially in larger organisations.

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