What do baby comet goldfish eat?

What do baby comet goldfish eat?

Feeding. Comets will generally eat anything, but they do have specific nutritional needs. Commercial fish flake and pellets work well for comets. However, make sure that these preparations are intended for goldfish; goldfish need more carbohydrates than tropical fish.

What do you feed comets?

Ideally supplement this with live brine shrimp and a mixture of frozen brine shrimp, daphnia and veggie mix. The diet can also be supplemented by scalded peas, small invertebrates and duck weed. The goldfish diet should contain a high carbohydrate level.

Will Comet goldfish breed?

But I personally feel that these are some of the most desirable Goldfish out there. Comet Goldfish are significantly hardier than Orandas and other fancy breeds. They thrive in outdoor ponds, grow quite large, and will readily breed in either aquariums or ponds.

What kind of food can a comet fish eat?

If your Comets live in an outdoor pond, they will also eat worms, insect larvae, and water-bound insects. However, if you buy live food for your tank-kept fish, always use a reputable supplier. Take the food out of the water it’s supplied in before feeding your fish. Live food can be a source of parasites and bacteria that could harm your fish.

How often should I Feed my comet goldfish?

When and How Often to Feed Fish Based on Life Cycle: You should feed your Comet goldfish one or two times daily. They can live without food for several days, however, and often do better without multiple feedings. They eat the live plants in the aquarium regularly, so it’s better to feed them less than more.

What kind of fish is a comet goldfish?

Comet goldfish is generally like other common goldfish. However, people sometimes find it difficult to differentiate both of them. If you take a closer look, comet goldfish can be identified from its body.

Can you keep a comet in a tropical fish tank?

Although your Pond Comets live in freshwater, they are not tropical. This means you won’t be able to keep them with other popular freshwater fish, as the warm water is too hot for them. Second, they tend to consume lots of food, so other fish in the tank are at risk of being malnourished.

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