What happens if you go to an unaccredited high school?
When a school loses their accreditation, they will lose out on federal and state funding. In addition, a college or university may not recognize a diploma or credits from an unaccredited high school. Students of these schools will also be ineligible for scholarships when preparing for college.
Do colleges accept non accredited diplomas?
Most colleges accept homeschool students. And getting a diploma from a non accredited high school is very similar to a homeschool diploma if you have a transcript to back up the learning that happened in the teen years.
How can I go to college without a highschool diploma?
Students without diplomas or GED certificates can:
- Attend a college with no GED or high school diploma requirements.
- Enroll with high school equivalency.
- Take individual classes.
- Attend a vocational school.
- Attend adult high school.
- Take the GED exam.
Do high schools have to be accredited?
Are schools required to seek accreditation? Not necessarily. About 20 states do their own accreditation and among those, some make school participation voluntary. Other states do require that schools seek regional or other outside accreditation.
Can you get student aid at a non-accredited school?
When an institution is non-accredited, however, there is no way to verify the quality of their education or their integrity. Because of this, students attending the school aren’t eligible for student aid because the federal government only grants funds to accredited institutions.
Where can I get an accredited high school diploma?
Another option if you want to get your high school education at home and are strongly in favor of an accredited diploma is to look into virtual schools. Virtual schools are charter public schools that are tuition-free, and online.
Where can I go to college without a high school diploma?
Penn Foster also offers accredited online career diplomas for students without a high school diploma. Some states, such as California, New York and Hawaii have no requirements for GED or high school diplomas when students attend certain community colleges.
Can you get an associate’s degree in a non accredited program?
Non-accredited programs might not help you meet your advanced education or career goals. Some graduate programs won’t allow you to apply unless you have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from an accredited program, so if you choose a non-accredited program for undergraduate studies, you’ll have to start all over.