How do I backup and restore a database in MySQL workbench?

How do I backup and restore a database in MySQL workbench?

Create a backup using MySQL Workbench

  1. Connect to your MySQL database.
  2. Click Server on the main tool bar.
  3. Select Data Export.
  4. Select the tables you want to back up.
  5. Under Export Options, select where you want your dump saved.
  6. Click Start Export.
  7. You now have a backup version of your site.

How do I restore a MySQL database from a BAK file?

The process to restore a MySQL database from a backup file created by mysqldump is a simple two-step process: Create a new MySQL database using the mysqladmin utility (or mysql command). Restore your database backup to this new database using one of several possible commands.

Where does MySQL workbench save database?

These files are saved in a directory assigned to the current user as defined by MySQL Workbench….Table 3.1 Default Local Configuration Base File Path.

Operating System File Path
Windows %AppData%\MySQL\Workbench\
macOS ~username/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/
Linux ~username/.mysql/workbench/

How do I schedule a backup in MySQL workbench?

The Schedule subtab optionally sets a backup schedule for both full and incremental backups. The schedule uses the Windows Tasks Scheduler on Microsoft Windows, and a cron job on Linux and macOS. It is scheduled using the operating system user that is scheduling the backup, which is typically the MySQL user.

How do I backup a MySQL database in Windows?

Backup using MySQL Workbench

  1. Go to the Administration tab, on the Navigation panel (on the left by default)
  2. Select Data Export.
  3. From the Data Export tab in the Tables To Export section, select the databases and tables that will be added to the backup file.

How do I backup MySQL database in Linux command line?

Back up the database using the following command:

  1. mysqldump -u [username] –p[password] [database_name] > [dump_file.sql]
  2. [username] – A valid MySQL username.
  3. [password] – A valid MySQL password for the user.
  4. [database_name] – A valid Database name you want to take backup.
  5. [dump_file.

How do I backup a MySQL database?

Step 1: Create a MySQL Database Backup

  1. Open phpMyAdmin. On the directory tree on the left, click the database you want to back up.
  2. Click Export on the menu across the top of the display. You’ll see a section called “Export Method.” Use Quick to save a copy of the whole database.
  3. Click Go.

What is the default location of storing the log files for MySQL Workbench?

The default data directory location in Windows is “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\data”, or “C:\ProgramData\Mysql”.

How do I automate a MySQL backup in Windows?

Using GUI Solutions

  1. Create a backup job by clicking Jobs > Add Backup Job.
  2. Establish a connection with your MySQL Server.
  3. Select the databases you want to back up.
  4. Specify the location where the backups will be stored.
  5. Create a backup schedule.
  6. Enter your email to receive fail/success notifications.

How do I backup all my MySQL databases?

To create a backup of all MySQL server databases, run the following command:

  1. mysqldump –user root –password –all-databases > all-databases.sql.
  2. mysql –user root –password mysql < all-databases.sql.
  3. mysql –user root –password [db_name] < [db_name].sql.
  4. select @@datadir;

How can I backup my MySQL database?

How to Backup MySQL Database. Open phpMyAdmin from your web hosting control panel like cPanel. Select the database from the sidebar navigation panel of phpMyAdmin. Click the Export link from the top navigation bar. Choose Custom option in the Export page. Select the tables that you want to backup.

How to import a MySQL database from backup?

How to import a MySQL database backup ¶. Login to the control panel. Go to phpMyAdmin. Find the new database in the list and click Connect Now. Click Import in the top bar. Select the database backup file to import and click Go.

How to restore a MySQL database from full database backup?

Restore your MySQL database from a Backup Choose the database you want to restore from the left navigation tree. The phpMyAdmin script that restores your database does not drop the tables first. Click the With selected: drop down menu and choose Drop. Confirm by clicking Yes. Click the Import tab. Click the Choose File button to browse for the MySQL backup. Click Go.

How do I Access MySQL?

In order to access your MySQL database, please follow these steps: Log into your Linux web server via Secure Shell. Open the MySQL client program on the server in the /usr/bin directory. Type in the following syntax to access your database:

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